Enhancing Torwali literacy among youth and adults

Enhancing Torwali literacy among youth and adults

This is an ongoing part of the larger program, Torwali Language Development. Under this project literacy materials for high school students, for adult women and men and for youth are produced and disseminated among in the community free of cost. This project also included documentation and publishing books of Torwali folklore, history and folktales and are distributed among the community free of cost. Another component of this initiative is enhancing the Torwali literacy through social media and digital media. An Android keyboard as well as a working iPhone keyboard was developed for writing Torwali on social such as Facebook and Twitter; and also production of videos and audios on YouTube.

External link: https://tnnenglish.com/publication-of-3-new-books-in-torwali-to-preserve-the-endangered-language/

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